
Prevention of Sexual Harassment Training for Employees


The program gives you the Legal Framework for Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) and also discusses the journey towards gender equality. I also brings forward issues and challenges in this critical area and provide legal frame work to effectively address them.

Legal Framework for Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH)
Prevention of Sexual Harassment(POSH) is a burning issue in the contemporary scenario. Movements like ‘Me Too’ have brought into the forefront the lack of awareness and ignorance in the society towards sexual harassment. This module brings forward issues and challenges in this critical area and provide legal guidelines to effectively address them.

Journey towards Gender Equality
Gender inequality has been traditionally engraved in our psyche by various factors like – our lifestyle, social values, traditions and culture. This program addresses the root cause and it prepares us for change in our society and workplace to overcome Gender discrimination, inequality, patriarchy with suitable stories, illustrations and videos in a very simple and effective manner.

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